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Age 8+
Grade 4-6

S. E. Smith

Milo and the Wizard's Ink

Paperback (Montana Publishing Dec. 4, 2019)
Moving to a new town turns out to be the least of his worries… Twelve-year-old Milo Johnson is the new kid in school, but that’s not the only reason people have been staring at him. Ever since he picked up new art supplies at a local store… bizarre things have been happening, and Milo soon realizes his creativity can open a door to another world – one where magic exists and wizards rule. With the help of some new friends, Milo sets off on an adventure to save a magical realm from an evil sorceress. He soon discovers that even an ordinary boy can do extraordinary things if he is willing to try… but even with his new abilities, will Milo be able to save his friends and himself? Milo quickly learns that some places are more dangerous than they seem and people can die – even in a magical world.
1944125221 / 9781944125226
17.6 oz.
6.0 x 9.0 in.

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