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Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide to Train Your Puppy Fast

Jesse Shepherd, John Shelton, JS Publishing

Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide to Train Your Puppy Fast

Audible Audiobook (JS Publishing Nov. 16, 2016)

Do you have a new puppy but don't know where to start on training him? Do you wish you could get him to go potty or do tricks? Do you wonder if you could housebreak him? Would you like to do it fast and get obedience while using only positive reinforcement?

Can you afford to have your puppy having accidents on the floor?

Do you wish you could get your puppy to not only behave but know that you can do it quickly and for free?

Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide to Train Your Puppy Fast is a powerful obedience centered step-by-step explanation of how you can get a broken in puppy today. This is a book of action and doesn't just tell you how to train your puppy, but also reveals the secret to helping you turn your puppy into a member of the family.

This book is full of real-life examples of how to start from scratch with your puppy and teach him or her everything they will need in order to become your new best friend. After listening to this book, I am confident you will be able to train your puppy in no time.

You can take the practical approach that has worked for thousands of people.

  • Learn what gear you will need for your puppy
  • Discover what you will need to do especially during the first week
  • Prepare for the puppy's first visit to the vet
  • Be amazed at how easy it can be to potty train your puppy
  • How will you learn to handle problems with your puppy?
  • See how biting can quickly be handled and stopped forever.
  • Learn how positive reinforcement can be used to get perfect obedience
  • Find out how the methods shown in this book will work on any puppy