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The Girl Who Talked Too Much

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Marcia Ward

The Girl Who Talked Too Much

(Marcia's Books May 14, 2013)
The start of her first year in high school has Carolyn Jean Murray (Lyn) in a state of constant angst. As the middle daughter in a suburban family, Lyn has no real complaints. She has plenty of food, more-than-adequate clothing, nice friends and a wonderful dog, Jackie. She should be intimidated by Victoria (Vicky), her oldest sister. Vicky is very pretty and gets top grades. She should also be overshadowed by her younger sister Susanna (Susie) who is a state-ranked tennis player for her age group. Fortunately, Lyn is not shy. In fact, throughout her life she has found herself in difficult situations because she talked too much. She has never hesitated to speak her mind, whether it be at home, school, or any other place she found herself. Vicky does a very uncharacteristic thing. Se runs away from home one evening, causing the previously calm family life of the Murray's to go into a chaotic spin. Mrs. Murray is rushed to the hospital after she faints and hits her head. The reason she fainted? There was a call from the morgue saying they had an unidentified body of a young woman. It could be Vicky. Lyn is frustrated by the authorities as well as her parents' attempts to find Vicky. She enlists the help of her best friend, Sylvia, in her own rescue plan, which turns out to be quite an adventure.
1939927293 / 9781939927293
10.1 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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