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A Little Girl in Old Chicago

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Amanda M. Douglas

A Little Girl in Old Chicago

eBook ( April 17, 2020)
'A Little Girl in Old Chicago' is the ninth book in 'A Little Girl' series, by Amanda M. Douglas.
It is the story of seven-year-old Ruth Gaynor, who travelled with her father from Massachusetts to Chicago, once their farm became rocky, and unusable. Mr. Gaynor wanted to get a wheat farm, as he claimed that bread would never be out of fashion.
Ruth and her father quickly become acquainted with their new friends, and neighbours. Ruth begins to thrive in her new environment, befriending the local kids, as she goes to school, and works on her father's farm.
The novel is the story of how Ruth grows from being a young girl, to a young woman. Ruth has to nagivate the intricacies of dating, and marriage, as she pines for her neighbour, an older boy named Norman.

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