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SilverFin: The Graphic Novel

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Age 10+

Charlie Higson, Kev Walker

SilverFin: The Graphic Novel

Hardcover (Hyperion Book CH May 18, 2010)
What does it take to become the greatest secret agent the world has ever known? In the thrilling Young Bond series, readers meet a young boy whose inquisitive mind and determination set him on a path that will someday take him across the globe in pursuit of the most dangerous criminals of all time.In SilverFin, James must stop a madman with an unquenchable thirst for power in the Highlands of Scotland. To do so, he will face unimaginable dangers that will forever change the course of his life.
Young Bond
1423130227 /
17.6 oz.
6.0 x 9.0 in.