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The Wild Boar of Corbenic: An adventure in the times of King Arthur

P. Schreiber

The Wild Boar of Corbenic: An adventure in the times of King Arthur

When a terrible beast threatens the peace of the eastern lands of Britain, and all attempts by the Fisher King to save his realm, his lands and his people fail, he is left with no choice but to count on the courage of King Arthur's knights.The Wild Boar of Corbenic: an adventure in the times of King Arthur is an adventurous tale of knighthood; a never before told quest of the Knights of the Round Table, full of wonder, magic, and love."In the morning, the King wished them Godspeed, and the six rode down to the castle of Corbenic, in the realm of the Fisher King, upon the eastern coast far from Camelot. The courier and the two squires rattled with excitement of setting out on a real quest; but deep in their hearts, they felt terrified of what they heard about the boar monster..."Cover art: "None durst approach nigh for fear of being torn to pieces", by Frank T. Merrill, 1910 Source: A Knight of Arthur's Court or the Tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight