Nancy Elis, Adam M. Wine

The Forgotten Tree

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Jan. 27, 2014)
The Forgotten Tree is the story of two trees. The first, a perfectly shaped tree, ready for the Christmas season. It has been pruned and tended for many years so that it would bring pleasure to many. The other tree is not as desirable nor as perfect. It did not receive care and tending. It had to grow and survive hot, dry summers and harsh, cold winters. The first tree is excited at the prospects it could face. It knows that it could be honored in a variety of settings, such as a mall or a town square, or in a family's living room. The other tree, however, may face quite another fate. The other tree has only two branches, no fragrance, nor overspreading branches on which to hang ornaments. Actually, it is quite unappealing. As the first tree begins to focus its thoughts on this not-so-perfect tree, it begins to realize something truly amazing. The not-so-perfect tree will become something very different than anyone could ever guess. This story is about purpose. The God-given purpose for each and everyone of us. The perfect first tree becomes elated and hopeful that indeed the not-so-perfect tree will not be completely forgotten. It just has a different purpose--not better, just different. The message and purpose of this book will become clear as you read, ponder, and receive what it has to offer.
1482339277 / 9781482339277
3.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.1 in.