Chris raschka, Saxton Freymann, Sophie Blackall, Henry Cole, Laurie Keller, Boris Kulikov, David Small, Jon Muth, Tomie dePaola, yumi heo, Peter Reynolds, Brett Helquist, Dan Yaccarino, Judy Schachner

Knock, Knock

Hardcover (Dial Sept. 20, 2007)
The knock-knock joke: a kid classic. So many funny, punny punchlines. It was just screaming for its own book. To do this classic joke justice, we decided to gather fourteen of the best-known and most talented children’s book artists to illustrate their favorite punchlines. The results are wacky, zany, and absolutely hilarious.

If you knock on Tomie dePaola’s door, beware! Is that a girl or a gorilla? Who’s knocking at Saxton Freymann’s door? Just a couple of talking lettuces. Talking lettuces?! One impatient cow can hardly wait to get through Laurie Keller’s door, and David Small has a surprise waiting for his intruding vampire.

In this collection, you’ll recognize some of your favorite jokes and be surprised by new ones. But one thing is certain: Each time there’s a knock, you’ll want to answer the door!

0803731523 /
14.4 oz.
10.3 x 0.4 in.