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Kathleen Harsch

Darkness Descends

language (Create Space May 19, 2012)

Cassandra...Tell Will I'm Coming.

The voice is deep, ominious, male. Her dream knocks me breathless. I've learned never to take her dreams for granted. Too many of them have almost become true.

In this fast-paced sequel to DREAMING DANGEROUSLY by Kathleen Harsch, Will Rossi takes over the narration for this second book in the CHILDREN OF THE PSI series about teens with amazing abilities.

Will made two promises to Cassie, to keep her telepathy a
secret and to keep her safe. But his promises become increasingly difficult to
keep. As he discovers other psychic teens, Will wants to know why they have
superhuman abilities, like him and Cassie. From a mysterious man who sends
cryptic messages to Cassie, he finds out they have all been injected by an
experimental genetic formula RNA-NR 127. Together they become the Children of
the Psi, but Will must find out who is threatening them or risk losing Cassie

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