John Scott Clark
A study of English and American poets; a laboratory method
( May 9, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 Excerpt: ...rhyme, assonance and alliteration are forces, requisite components of high and ample harmony, witness once for all the divine passage which begins--' Five miles meandering with a mazy motion.'... Gycine's song flashes out like a visible sunbeam: it is one of the brightest bits of music ever done in words."--A. C. Swinburne. "Coleridge has taken the old ballad measure and given it, by an indefinable charm wholly his own, all the sweetness, all the melody and compass of a symphony.... The words seem common words enough, but in the order of them, in the choice, variety, and position of the vowel sounds, they become magical. The most decrepit vocable in the language throws away its crutches to dance and sing at his piping."--Lowell. "In his ' France "... freedom in artistic handling is at one with obedience to artistic law. Mr. Theodore Watts. has called attention to what he describes as its fluidity of metrical movement. 'The more billowy the metrical waves,' he says, 'the better suited they are to render the emotions expressed by the ode;' and he points out how in the opening stanza of 'France' the first metrical wave, after it has gently fallen at the end of the first quatrain, leaps up again on the double rhymes and goes bounding on, billow after billow, to the end of the stanza. The mastery of a prolonged period in lyrical poetry is rare even with great writers."--Edward Dowden. "For exquisite music of metrical movement and for imaginative phantasy... there is nothing in our language to be compared with ' Christabel' and ' Kubla Khan' and with the 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner.' "--Stopford Brooke. "It ' The Ancient Mariner ' has that rich, varied movement in the verse which gives a distinct idea of the lofty or ...
- 1231138238 / 9781231138236
- Pages
- 268
- Weight
- 17.6 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.6