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The Tony Sarg Marionette Book

John Frederick McIsaac

The Tony Sarg Marionette Book

eBook ( March 29, 2010)
This entertaining volume was published in 1921 for both adults and children.

From the book's Introduction:

This little book is about Tony Sarg and his marionettes.
It aims to acquaint you with the lovable and unique
personality of Tony Sarg, illustrator, cartoonist, and cre-
ator of marionettes; and to tell you about puppet shows,
a little of their long and varied history and of certain
matters connected with modern puppets which have prob-
ably awakened your curiosity, if you have been fortunate
enough to see the plays acted by Mr. Sarg's artistic and
expressive manikins.

Tony Sarg himself is responsible for a great deal of the
information contained in this book. He has revealed some
of the mysteries which make his marionette productions
so different from ordinary puppet shows, and has spent
hours with the author, telling him how he became inter-
ested in marionettes and how he developed the quaint
old form of entertainment along the lines of the modern
"artistic marionettes," as they are known in Europe, of
which his dolls are probably the most charming examples
of the present day.

Mr. Sarg has consented to tell young people how they
may build marionette stages of their own and how to
make and operate puppets. In this book, children who
can work with tools, and have some dramatic instinct,
will find instructions which will enable them to give suc-
cessful marionette productions at home.