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The Mystery of the Message in a Bottle

George Chedzoy

The Mystery of the Message in a Bottle

language (Bramblewood Publishing July 19, 2016)
The Cartwright family have just arrived at their holiday cottage by the seaside. Samuel, brother Richard and sister Annie can’t wait to get down to the beach and see what the previous night’s storm has thrown up. They find what we every child hopes to – a bottle, with a message inside! It’s been written by a 12-year-old girl – not much older than them. She didn’t write it for fun either, but as a desperate cry for help. Her boat had been lost at sea and she needed rescuing from an island. The children guess she might be marooned on Clifftop Island in the bay and are determined to sail out and find her. It’s just the start of a very memorable – and at times intensely puzzling – week’s holiday in which nothing is ever quite as it seems . . .

Children’s books by George Chedzoy:

1.The Mystery of the Misty Woods
2.The Mystery of the Message in a Bottle

1. Smugglers at Whistling Sands
2. The Missing Treasure
3. Something Strange in the Cellar
4. Trouble at Chumley Towers
5. Secrets in the Mountains

Rapunzel: In My Own Words

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