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Ian Howard

The Frog King's Servant

eBook ( Dec. 5, 2019)
As the snake gets older he is finding it harder to catch food. Then one morning he overhears some young frogs complaining about their boring life. Every day is the same - swim, hop, sit in the sun. Not only is life boring but their King is short-tempered and always complains about his servants.
This gives the old snake an idea. The frogs will get their excitement, the King’s ego will be massaged and he will eat each day.
The snake tells the King that God has sent him as a servant as punishment for all the frogs he has eaten in the past.
Everyone is overjoyed when they hear of the punishment – each day the snake will take the frogs on a ride through the grass, around the rocks and along the tracks.

The first ride is fast and furious and the frogs agree there has been nothing like it. The next day the ride is slower and shorter and the frogs grumble and complain. The old snake whispers to the king that he is getting old and hasn’t had much to eat for a few days. Without food he won’t have the energy to serve the king properly. Surely there must be an old frog or two that won’t be missed? The king agrees and calls two old and infirm frogs over. As all the others are making their way back to the pond the snake quickly eats the two left behind.

And so it went on.
Each day the snake got fatter and the frogs got fewer.
Finally the day comes when the snake arrives at the pond. But now there is only the king and his family left.
Horrified he realises what he has done.
And the old snake, well he turns and heads off to find another pond.

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