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Daughter of Winter
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Amber Argyle
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Starling Books
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Fairy Queens
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Amber Argyle

Daughter of Winter

Paperback (Starling Books May 2, 2016)

Bargains. Only the desperate need them. Only the desperate make them. And always, the desperate pay.

The silence and never-ending dark of winter are all Elice has ever known, for she is the daughter of the Winter Queen. Isolated in a northern queendom, she dreams of color and music and life. So when a whaling ship crashes just offshore, she doesn't hesitate to rescue the lone survivor, Adar, who quickly becomes her friend. She must keep him hidden from her mother at all costs, for if the Winter Queen discovers him trespassing, she'll kill him.

When her mother reveals just how dark her soul has become, Elice realizes she is as much a prisoner as Adar. To ever know true freedom—to ever become the woman she was meant to be—she must flee with him. But in their flight, she begins to see hints of something more nefarious. The darkness that has taken hold of her mother is spreading, staining the world with its influence.

Unbeknownst to Elice, a bargain was made long ago. A bargain she was born to fulfill.

"A captivating series!" ~Jennifer A. Nielsen, New York Times bestselling author

Fairy Queens (Book 6)
0985739487 / 9780985739485
7.8 oz.
5.5 x 0.4 in.

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