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Joe Stewart

Bede's World

eBook ( June 20, 2017)
Thank you for reading Bede's World, the second of my trilogy of books about Bede of Monkwearmouth/Jarrow. The first book, Bede's Well, introduced you to the idea of a fictional account of the boyhood of St. Bede. Little is known of his actual boyhood, so I used literacy licence to imagine what could have happened. Although I did a little research, I did say that my story would contain anachronisms, or events which could not have possibly happened, because they are out with the time line of his life or possibly refer to things which had not yet been discovered.

This new book looks at Bede's life as a youth, or teenager, and contains references which may or may not have taken place. It focuses more on Monkwearmouth, as both it and Jarrow jealously claim Bede as their own. I think both places were equally important in his life. I have imagined that Bede travelled to Rome. We know that both Benet and Ceolfrith made numerous journeys to Rome from Monkwearmouth, so why not Bede too?

Once again I have tried to use challenging vocabulary and I have examined issues which I feel early medieval Christians would have faced. Like the first book I have included biblical stories, as they become relevant to the individual characters.

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