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Jill Daugherty

Courage and Other Demons

language (Open Mike Publishing Jan. 15, 2013) , 1 edition
Sixteen-year-old Maggie O’Neil is pathetically boring, and she’s okay with that. She goes to school, comes home, has dinner with her family, does her homework and goes to bed. On the weekend, she hangs out with her best friend or her boyfriend. Her idea of shaking up the status quo is to bypass her usual seat in one of her classes. But her comfortably mundane life is about to get a shot of adrenaline in the form of Simon Brady, a sexy transfer student from Ireland. Sure Simon is seriously adorable, but he also comes with some pretty terrifying baggage. In all of her sixteen years, faeries were something you read about in children’s books. They didn’t actually show up on your doorstep. They didn’t kiss you and make your knees go weak and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Until Simon Brady, that is. Simon changed everything. He makes her heart race and her skin burn with excitement, but he has also changed her core beliefs about the world and made her see it as a dark and dangerous place filled with monsters that belong only in the lines of faery tales. There is no doubt in Maggie’s mind that she loves Simon, but can she see past who he is and find a place for him in her heart?

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