Henry Fairfield Osborn
Men of the Old Stone Age: Their Environment, Life and Art
(Prabhat Prakashan Aug. 3, 2018)
This volume is the outcome of an ever-memorable tour through the country of the men of the Old Stone Age; guided by three of the distinguished archæologists of France; to whom the work is gratefully dedicated. This Palæolithic tour[A] of three weeks; accompanied as it was by a constant flow of conversation and discussion; made a very profound impression; namely; of the very early evolution of the spirit of man; of the close relation between early human environment and industry and the development of mind; of the remote antiquity of the human powers of observation; of discovery; and of invention. It appears that men with faculties and powers like our own; but in the infancy of education and tradition; were living in this region of Europe at least 25;000 years ago. Back of these intelligent races were others; also of eastern origin but in earlier stages of mental development; all pointing to the very remote ancestry of man from earlier mental and physical stages.