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Vikram and the Vampire; or, Tales of Hindu Devilry

Sir Richard Francis Burton

Vikram and the Vampire; or, Tales of Hindu Devilry

language (Prabhat Prakashan July 12, 2018)
‘The genius of Eastern nations;’ says an established and respectable authority; ‘was; from the earliest times; much turned towards invention and the love of fiction. The Indians; the Persians; and the Arabians; were all famous for their fables. Amongst the ancient Greeks we hear of the Ionian and Milesian tales; but they have now perished; and; from every account that we hear of them; appear to have been loose and indelicate.’ Similarly; the classical dictionaries define ‘Milesiæ fabulæ’ to be ‘licentious themes;’ ‘stories of an amatory or mirthful nature;’ or ‘ludicrous and indecent plays.’ M. Deriége seems indeed to confound them with the ‘Mœurs du Temps’ illustrated with artistic gouaches; when he says; ‘une de ces fables milésiennes; rehaussées de peintures; que la corruption romaine recherchait alors avec une folle ardeur.’

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