Rubber Band Girl is a heartwarming story of a mother and daughter who never give up on life or on each other
Marfan Syndrome, or “Rubber Band Disease,” as it is commonly called, has taken the lives of too many, too soon. A disease that attacks the ligaments of the body, it is associated with heart and vision problems, extreme flexibility of the joints, and, its most noticeable feature, excessive height.
In this inspiring memoir, Jennifer Nielson recounts her journey as the mother of Hadley, a beautiful young girl with Marfan Syndrome. Together, they climb the mountains of life-threatening health problems and endless doctor visits. Together, they travel through the deep valleys of sorrow and loss. Together, they successfully manage Marfan’s—and forge an unbreakable bond in the process.
Rubber Band Girl is a heartwarming story of a mother and daughter who never give up on life or on each other. Because of its honesty, positive tone, and happy ending, it will find an eager audience with any parent who has struggled with the health challenges of a child.
Jennifer Nielson graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a degree in elementary education. A self-proclaimed “recovering perfectionist,” she has learned to fuse her creativity and energy to raise a family, teach music, and produce a successful home-based interior design business. She lives in Gilbert, Arizona, with her husband, Talan, and their five children.
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