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Cheri J. Crane

Forever Kate

eBook (Covenant Communications Dec. 9, 2011)

As Randy's family gathered around him at the airport, Kate stood quietly in the background, content to watch. An envelope in her jacket pocket caught her attention. Puzzled, she pulled it out. Realizing that it was Mike's last letter, from his mission in Canada, she hurriedly shoved the letter back into her pocket, then looked up to see Randy staring at her. "I can't believe I'm finally here," Randy stammered. "You look...wonderful."

As she stepped back, the envelope slipped from her pocket to the floor. Before she could move, Randy scooped it up, staring at the envelope for several seconds before he handed it back to Kate.Twenty year old Kate Erickson has come a long way from the tragic accident that turned her rebellious youth around. Now, accepted at last to attend BYU, Kate is confronted with a landslide of decisions...about everything from college to love. She even wonders if she should go on a mission, although she's afraid people will say she's just running away. What should she do?Best-selling author Cheri Crane skillfully describes the excitement and heartache of learning to love, making decisions, and letting go of the past in this compelling sequel to Kate's Turn and Kate's Return. You won't want to miss it!


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