Age 8-12
Grade 3-6

Laurie Blackstock, Carla Zubot

Discovering Today's Japan

Paperback (Skyline Books-Oxford U. Press (Canada) March 28, 1999)
Trillium Listed!

Discovering Today's Japan is part of the Discovery series and introduces the reader to a land of great contrasts: Japan at the end of the 20th. century. The tremendous changes that have taken place in Japanese society since the end of World War II are examined and there is a special emphasis on
tension that exists between the old and the new ways, the traditional and the modern.

To get a clearer idea of how modern Japanese society works, the reader meets a Japanese family, the Hayashis, and watch them at work, at school and at play.

Several full-colour maps that examine geographical features and the placement of urban and industrial areas are included. Separate chapters illustrate the effects that earthquakes and volcanoes have had on Japan. The book is beautifully illustrated with a wealth of full-colour photographs and
illustrations. A variety of activities show young readers how to do things like make a paper kimono or fish kite, use chopsticks, build a miniature volcano, and write a haiku.
Discovery series
0195413296 / 9780195413298
8.5 oz.
8.8 x 0.2 in.

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