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Mischa Damjan, Gian Casty

The Clown Said No

Hardcover (Minedition Oct. 18, 2007) , Tra edition
The circus is supposed to be fun, but for this clown and the animals who perform with him, it’s just a lot of hard work. So they decide to run away to form a circus of their own. They may not have a big top, but now the clown can get to tell all his wonderful stories, the dog can run free off his collar, and the dancing pony can even nap through the waltz if he’s getting sleepy. The new show turns out to be a lot of fun for both the performers and the audience. In this reissue of a remarkably illustrated 1962 picture book, this clown shows that it’s important to enjoy what you do.
0698400631 /
15.2 oz.
8.8 x 0.4 in.