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My Little Pony: The Wonderbolts Academy Handbook

Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Brandon T. Snider

My Little Pony: The Wonderbolts Academy Handbook

Hardcover (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers July 5, 2016)
Attention cadets! This Wonderbolts Academy Handbook once belonged to Rainbow Dash! Along with valuable information on how to become a Wonderbolt, our stellar Pegasus pony added her own notes to help you along. The lessons in here have been passed down for generations, with each generation refining these lessons to better serve you and the institution. You will have much to learn and all staff and senior members of the Wonderbolts are more than willing to guide you.

Good luck, have fun, and stay focused!

© 2016 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
My Little Pony (Little, Brown & Company)
9780316394 / 9780316394994
12.8 oz.
6.2 x 0.8 in.

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