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Charles A Siringo

A Texas Cow Boy

Leather Bound (Time-Life Books March 15, 1981) , New edition edition
Published by Time-Life from 1980-1984 in leather binding. The Classics of the Old West series is one of the most remarkable undertakings of Time-Life Publications. Each title and author was especially selected to represent the stories of or works about the Old West as written by those who actually lived it. Each volume is a reprint of an original Old West book including illustrations, plates, and even errors. Each book measures about 8 ½ by 6 inches, and together, cover almost 4 linear feet of shelf space. Time-Life issued these hardcover books with genuine leather binding
0809435683 / 9780809435685
22.4 oz.
8.5 x 5.8 in.

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