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Christmas, Its Origin and Associations: Together With Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries

W. F. Dawson

Christmas, Its Origin and Associations: Together With Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries

Paperback (Forgotten Books March 9, 2010)
PREFACE Ix the third quarter of the nineteenth century, it fell to my lot to write an article on Christmas, its customs and festivities. And, allhongh 1 SQllgbt in vain for a cbWllolog:ica.l. account of the festival, I discovered ll1(ny interestirig details of its observances dispersed in the works of various authors; and, vhilc I found that some of its greater celebrations marked important epochs in om national history, I ~aw, also, that the sllccessive celebrations of Christmas during nineteen centl1ries were important links in the chain of h.i..storical Christian evidences. I became e.lamollfed of the snbject, for, in additiOn to historical interest, there is the charm of its legendary lorc, its p~cturesq.ue. olstOll1S, and pO~llar games. It seemed to mc that the origin and hallowed assocultlons of Christmas, its ancient customs and festivities, and the important part it has played in history combine to nuke il a most fascinating subject. I resolved, therefore, tTable of Contents CONTENTS CHAPTER I; THE ORIGI~ XD ASSOCI,TIO:-lS O~' CHHlSTMAS 5; CHAPTEI~ II; THE EL~LIER CELEllliATlO:SS OF THE FESTIVAL 10; CHAPTER Ill; EARLY CHIUSTlIIAS CeLEBlnTIOXS J:~ BRITAIX; CHAPTER IY; CIIRIS'OLS, l'-RO~I THE NO/mAx CO::QUEST TO lIAGXA CHAHTA 40; CD 1066-1215); CHAPTER V; CHl~lsnl~, FIW~I !IAGX, CU,Ja TO TilE EXD 011 THE; V,l~S OF TilE ROSES 62; (AD 1215-1485); CHAPTER VI; CHIHSnLS u:l))m HE::RY ,11 XD HEXRY VIII; (D 1485-1547); CHAPTER VII; CIWlsnlAS U;DEl~ EnwAlw VI, MARY, A:-lD ELlZBETH; (AD 1547-1603); 9-t; IlS CHAPTJ
1451007647 / 9781451007640
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.9 in.

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