Charles Dickens, Hablot "Phiz" Knight Browne, George Cruikshank
Sketches by Boz
( Jan. 27, 2011)
This is the BEST version of Sketches by Boz you will find for your Kindle. This edition is unabridged and includes the original illustrations from the first publication of this work, by artists George Cruikshank and Hablot "Phiz" Knight Browne. In addition, this ebook has been meticulously proofed for formatting errors and includes a working Table of Contents with selectable links. Finally, this edition is DRM-free for your convenience.
Don't believe this is the best Kindle edition of Sketches by Boz? Download a free sample for yourself and compare it against samples of other Kindle editions: THIS IS THE BEST VERSION available for your Kindle. Don't settle for a version with spelling errors, missing punctuation, bad formatting and no illustrations! Get the best! Satisfaction guaranteed!
Information about this title:
Sketches by "Boz," Illustrative of Every-day Life and Every-day People (commonly known as Sketches by Boz) is a collection of short pieces published by Charles Dickens in 1836 accompanied by illustrations by George Cruikshank and Hablot "Phiz" Knight Browne. The 56 sketches concern London scenes and people and are divided into four sections: "Our Parish", "Scenes", "Characters", and "Tales". The material in the first three of these sections is non-fiction. The last section comprises fictional stories. Originally, the sketches were published in various newspapers and periodicals from 1833-1836.