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Byron's Quest
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Juli May
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Juli May

Byron's Quest

What will Byron and his friends have to endure to save his king and people from disaster?Byron, the wizard's apprentice, gets a nasty shock when he returns from an errand to find that his master, the king and all the people living in Castle Glenfair have mysteriously vanished. Enter the dragon Peregrine, who flies by in search of adventure and stays to investigate the fascinating deserted castle. The dragon manages to enter the magically guarded wizard's tower, meets and befriends the terrified Byron and succeeds in unpetrifying the toucan Virgil, who had been turned into stone.These three unlikely companions are unexpectedly joined by a girl and they find themselves obliged to set off on a dangerous quest to search for their people. Stepping into the past by magic, these untried and often apprehensive champions are led to strange and famous places, the first of which is Babylon. Ancient Egypt finally provides some of the answers they have been seeking, but two evil and powerful magicians stand in their way. Will they be able to successfully complete their quest when all chaos breaks loose in Egypt?

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