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Dueling Princes: The Calypso Chronicles, Book 3

Age 12+
Grade 7-9

Tyne O'Connell

Dueling Princes: The Calypso Chronicles, Book 3

Hardcover (Bloomsbury USA Childrens Nov. 29, 2005) , Complete Numbers Starting with 1, 1st Ed edition

Dating Britain's royal Prince Freddie has made Year Eleven at St. Augustine's the best one so far for Calypso Kelly. Together with best friends Star and Georgina, and new chums Portia and Indie, LA-born Calypso at last seems to have everything she's dreamed of…or does she? With the national fencing trials coming up, balancing school, friendships, and a royal romance is a lot harder than she imagined. Something will have to give, but what―or whom―will it be? Picking up where Stealing Princes left off, this funny, fast-paced third book chronicling the life and times of Calypso Kelly will not disappoint.

Calypso Chronicles
1582346585 / 9781582346588
14.4 oz.
5.2 x 1.1 in.

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