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The History of Independence Day

Age 8-12
Grade 3-4

Reese Donaghey

The History of Independence Day

Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Jan. 1, 2015)
Most Americans know that the holiday celebrated on July 4 commemorates something about the Declaration of Independence. While that date is when the Second Continental Congress approved the final draft of the document, other dates could be considered more significant, such as 2 days before when the Congress approved the declaration at all! Readers learn about the accident of history that is the American holiday of the Fourth of July. Fun fact boxes add surprising details to main content that presents a traditional social studies curriculum topic in an exciting new way.
What You Didn't Know About History
1482419424 / 9781482419429
2.4 oz.
8.5 x 0.2 in.

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