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The Dunwich Horror : By Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Illustrated

Howard Phillips Lovecraft

The Dunwich Horror : By Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Illustrated

( Nov. 4, 2017)

How is this book unique?

  1. Font adjustments & biography included

  2. Unabridged (100% Original content)

  3. Illustrated

About The Dunwich Horror by Howard Phillips Lovecraft

"The Dunwich Horror" is a story by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. It takes place in Dunwich, a fictional town in Massachusetts. It is considered one of the core stories of the Cthulhu Mythos. "The Dunwich Horror" is one of the few tales Lovecraft wrote wherein the heroes successfully defeat the antagonistic entity or monster of the story. In the isolated, desolate, decrepit village of Dunwich, Massachusetts, Wilbur Whateley is the hideous son of Lavinia Whateley, a deformed and unstable albino mother, and an unknown father. Strange events surround his birth and precocious development. Wilbur matures at an abnormal rate, reaching manhood within a decade. Locals shun him and his family, and animals fear and despise him due to his odor. All the while, his sorcerer grandfather indoctrinates him into certain dark rituals and the study of witchcraft. Various locals grow suspicious after Old Whateley buys more and more cattle, yet the number of his herd never increases, and the cattle in his field become mysteriously afflicted with severe open wounds.

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