Jeanne G. Miller
Lives Interrupted: The Unwanted Pregnancy Dilemma
(Jeanne G. Miller Feb. 19, 2014)
, 1 edition
After the shock of discovering that you are pregnant and don't want to be or have just been given the diagnosis that there will be a medical situation with you pregnancy, what are your options for your pregnancy, abortion or carrying baby to full term? This book delves into the issues, the choices and the long-term effects of either choice.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy continues to be a controversial topic in the 21st century and runs the gamut of ethical, medical, legal and faith-based arguments. There is no shortage of website content to support that there is a sustainable interest in the subject matter, which Lives, Interrupted: The Unwanted Pregnancy Dilemma will address.
Many books that examine the issues of pro-abortion and pro-choice do so from either a strictly clinical perspective or a plethora of personal opinions, Lives, Interrupted: The Unwanted Pregnancy Dilemma achieves a balance through research, documentation and a diverse collection of interviews in order to assist young women with the decision to abort their unborn or to carry to term. Lives, Interrupted is unique in its examination of the lost or gained potential consequences to society - now and for generations to come - resulting from a woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy or to bring forth new life. What I believe most strongly distinguishes Lives, Interrupted: The Unwanted Pregnancy Dilemma from other books is that it is written to honor the voice of the unborn child in a style that is objective, compassionate and approachable. Further, my book explores the impact that abortions have on socioeconomic stability; specifically, the shrinking of certain population groups, leading to a reduction in the labor force and a downturn in productivity and innovation.