A great vocabulary is imperative to acing any standardized verbal test, or reading and writing great books. One of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary is to grasp words in the contexts of the best example sentences from great books. If you study 1,650 INTELLIGENT WORDS in such great sentences, you can become a real intellectual to read and write great books, and you can boost your score on the verbal section of any standardized test. This book includes 1,650 intelligent words, the example sentences and 195 aphorisms totally from great English and American books, 120 essential science terms, and review exercises. The book, a primary supplement, especially for intelligent students who seek college or graduate school readiness and will read and write great books, could prove a milestone in your test and career. Let’s master this book not only to maximize your score but also to make a beacon of intelligence. The book will remarkably advance your vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills at once.