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Secrets of the Hidden Valley

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David Drake

Secrets of the Hidden Valley

Paperback (Family of Man Press July 6, 2002)
Secrets of the Hidden Valley A novel for ages 9 to 14 SYNOPSIS - A twelve year old boy suddenly finds himself parentless and stranded alone in a lost valley filled with ancient American Indian mysteries and magic. Two most unlikely companions join him one ten and one fourteen. Magically transformed into Native American lads when they don their stunning buckskins, they mount their beautiful Palomino ponies and race off into one day-saving adventure after another. The story demonstrates how positive values and dedication to helpfulness can build a happy and successful life. KIND WORDS - I think about the boys all the time. Like when I’m not sure what I should do I ask myself what Davy Tripp and Tommy would do. It helps a lot. Jack Heston, twelve I loved the book. I learned a lot about life. I am in love with Tommy - Branda Thomlinson, thirteen I think Tripp is my new hero. I like the way he thinks about important things. I have already read the book three times. - Terrance Bradhurst, eleven My seventh grade Sunday School class has read it together as the basis for our unit on life values A grand presentation. - Rev. Jacob Potter ABOUT THE AUTHOR - David Drake has been writing for children and teens for more than thirty years. He feels it keeps him young and up-to-date. His message often follows the same theme - the good and rewarding life involves neighbors, freely and eagerly helping neighbors. He gently demonstrates how positive values build a better life.
1885631057 / 9781885631053

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