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Dhirubhai Patel

History of The World

( Feb. 14, 2020)
The history of the world, in common parlance, is the history of humanity, as determined from archeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, from recorded history and from secondary sources and studies.
Chapter 1 : Short History of World History
1.1 Rise of civilization
Chapter 2 : Ancient history
2.1 Axial Age
2.2 Regional empires
2.3 Declines, falls, and resurgence
Chapter 3 : Post-classical history
3.1 Greater Middle East
3.2 Europe
3.3 Sub-Saharan Africa
3.4 South Asia
3.5 Northeast Asia
3.6 Southeast Asia
3.7 Oceania
3.8 Americas
Chapter 4 : Modern history
4.1 Early modern period
4.2 Late modern period
Chapter 5 : Contemporary history
Chapter 6 : History of Oceania
6.1 Polynesia theories
6.2 Micronesia theories
6.3 Melanesia theories
6.4 Australasia theories
Chapter 7 : European contact and exploration
Chapter 8 : Colonisation
Chapter 9 : Samoan Crisis 1887–1889
Chapter 10 : World War II

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