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Edmund Calamy

The Life of Mr. John Howe

(Curiosmith March 24, 2019)
Puritan John Howe (1630–1705) was educated at Cambridge and Oxford. He began his ministry at Torrington, Devon. He was taken from Torrington to be chaplain to Oliver Cromwell’s household. When the Act of Uniformity passed he voluntarily became a silenced nonconformist. This biography includes discussion of dissenters and conformist views. Included is a letter to Lady Russel, consolation to a bereaved wife that highlights the importance of the Gospel and a view of eternity. The text of this edition is the 51-page memoir and four pages of letters found in Volume 1 of the “Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A.” New York: John P. Haven, 1838. Author EDMUND CALAMY III, D.D. (1671–1732) was born in London, England. He was educated at the University of Utrecht and Oxford. He ministered at Blackfriars London, Bishops-gate’s Street and Tothill-street, Westminster. He gave lectures at Salter’s Hall. He wrote a biography of Richard Baxter and a compilation of the lives of nonconformists.