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Craig Robertson

The Forever Life

eBook (Imagine-It Publishing March 8, 2016) , 3 edition
Who is Jon Ryan? Immortal, broken, and alone. The cocky fighter pilot turned astronaut is also our only chance for survival. He volunteers for the most ambitious, desperate mission ever conceived. The planet Jupiter, thrown off orbit, will destroy Earth in less than a century. Project Ark is humanity's only hope for survival. Jon will search alone to find a suitable location for human resettlement. To be able to do this, he must first have his consciousness transferred into an experimental android host. He understands the implications of his mission all too well: He will not age and by the time he returns home all the people he knew will be dead. His only companion on his fifty year voyage is his ship's irritable AI.Jon not only pushes the extremes of human technology, but the limits of his psychological strength. As time goes by, all communications with Earth gradually cease, leaving him in an eerie silence with more questions than answers. Will he save our species or be the sole survivor, lost in space forever?

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