Willa Cather, Cindy Hardin Killavey, Jimcin Recordings

O Pioneers!

Audiobook (Jimcin Recordings Jan. 7, 2010) , Unabridged
"O Pioneers!" book has a beautiful glossy cover and a blank page for the dedication.

"The houses on the Divide were small and were usually tucked away in low places; you did not see them until you came directly upon them. Most of them were built of the sod itself, and were only the unescapable ground in another form. The roads were but faint tracks in the grass, and the fields were scarcely noticeable. The record of the plow was insignificant, like the feeble scratches on stone left by prehistoric races, so indeterminate that they may, after all, be only the markings of glaciers, and not a record of human strivings."