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Crowned A Traitor: A Hellish Fairytale

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Kate Callaghan

Crowned A Traitor: A Hellish Fairytale

eBook (CallaghanWriter July 4, 2020)

Heir to Hell and the Dark Forest of Malum, Klara has been called upon to take her place as High Queen of Malum. Though Klara has no intention of ruling, her guardians want her head on a spike. Klara's only option - escape to Kalos, Fae ruled lands free from Dark Magic. To survive the perilous journey, she needs help...

A Leprechaun with a talent for smuggling.

A mischievous Demon with swaying loyalties

The soul of a greying Warlock.

Lycaon siblings with a talent for deception.

Destiny has an awful habit of catching up with those who run.

Klara is a multilayered protagonist. She's a total badass, she's recklessly brave and strongwilled, but also compassionate, kind and sometimes fearful. -@readinginpjamas

This book is so unique with so many unexpected actions, intrigues and events that I couldn't put it down. -@bozena_frejich_reviews

You can picture the dark forest in your head, envision the Creatures that roam the dark shadows, feel the Hounds of Hell at your heals as your pulse races to out run them. -@permanenty booked

Kate has an amazing writing technique! The story was absolutely captivating and the descriptions were breathtaking, maybe a little disturbing haha! - @come_read_with_me


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