Profile of the International Pump Industry covers effectively all of the various types of pump used to move liquids. In application terms, the Profile is primarily concerned with industrial pumps, but it also includes those pumps used in commercial and domestic applications for the circulation of water (such as in central heating systems or swimming pools) or its local extraction (as in bore-holes). The Profile does not, however, cover pumps used in domestic appliances, pumps used in road and off-road vehicles or pumps used to dispense petrol.
Chapter 1 Overviews the world economy.
Chapter 2 covers both the international pump industry and its associated market, illustrating the structure of the industry, highlighting developments, identifying future trends, and looking at recent mergers and acquisitions. Market size estimates are given for 1998 and 1999, plus forecasts of market size from 2000 to 2004, for a number of countries and geographical regions, and in each case for a range of pump types.
Chapter 3 looks at the main end-user markets for liquid pumps, highlighting trends and developments in their usage of pumps.
Chapter 4 is an overview of the relevant technology.
Chapter 5 contains profiles of 40 leading international pump manufacturers. A top 20 league table of pump manufacturers, ranked by sales of pumps, is also included.
Chapter 6 is a directory of more than 650 pump manufacturing companies worldwide, giving details of addresses, telephone and fax numbers, web sites, as well as parent company, main products, named key executives, numbers of employees, and sales figures where possible. The directory includes an index of companies by product type.
Chapter 7 includes a listing of pump-related associations and organisations, an exchange rate table, an internet address book and a listing of other pump-related Elsevier titles.
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