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The Adventures of Merm the Cat

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Chelsea Pohl

The Adventures of Merm the Cat

language (Locheart Publications Feb. 27, 2013) , 2 edition
Mermer Talk was invented during a year of travel on a sailboat with my family. My mother, father, sister, two cats, and I set off on the adventure when I was seven years old. So much time on the sea without other playmates, or media stimuli, led my sister and I to get creative and wacky. The obsession we had for our cats quickly turned into a language beyond the typical animal-talk we all use to speak to our pets. We charmed and confused all the people we met with our language, and with the quirky passion we had for our cat, Merm. We have elicited roaring laughter with our performances of The Mermer Talk Opera. I decided to honor Merm’s memory by creating a series of children’s books to tell his stories and to continue his legacy. I hope you enjoy this first book of the series. - Author

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