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Fighting El Fuego - Home Run Edition

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Pete Birle

Fighting El Fuego - Home Run Edition

Paperback (Scobre Press Sept. 1, 2005)
Francisco Paco Diaz is an angry kid who gets into fights at school all the time. Ever since his brother got locked up, Paco hasn t been the same. To avoid being sent to military school, he takes the advice of a psychologist and searches for a punching bag to hit. That s where he meets El Buho, and that s where his entire life changes. The Owl, a tough-as-nails fellow Puerto Rican who runs the local boxing gym, sees something special in Paco. After reluctantly agreeing to work with El Buho, Paco falls in love with the sport of boxing. Although he is a skilled boxer, in order to be the best, Paco must keep his emotions in check. In the ring, losing control means losing the bout. As he tries to become an Olympic athlete, Paco must first fight his inner demons. Fighting El Fuego is the inspirational story of a young man s passion for the sport of boxing and how the fire in his belly nearly burns him to the ground.
Dream Series
1933423285 / 9781933423289
5.6 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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