(Classic George Eliot: Middlemarch Sept. 4, 2013)
, First Edition
The Definitive Edition of MIDDLEMARCH
-Illustrated with beautiful vintage illustrations and other historical material from the life of George Eliot
-Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience
-Linked table of contents to reach your chapter quickly
“It is possible to argue that Middlemarch is the greatest English novel . . . Dorothea, young and beautiful, passionate and orphaned, desires to make something of her life.” A. S. Byatt
“With George Eliot you get real people, real lives, real jobs.' Kathleen Adams
“Everything she might need to know about marriage, about love, about life itself, was encompassed in the novel’s pages.” Rebecca Mead ‘Middlemarch and Me’ New Yorker
“Middlemarch may look like 1000 pages of repressed English people who won't do exciting things, but in fact, it's a thrill ride (if the ride were called "Class Consciousness and How it Will Kill Your Love Life and Your Business"). This book has more action than all three Pirates movies. George Eliot was not messing around.” Rachel Weidenfield
“The one Victorian novel whose greatness no one contradicts.” The Guardian 1000 Books Everyone Must Read
MIDDLEMARCH is one of the most profound and engaging novels of all time. Presented in a beautiful edition specially designed for kindle, this is George Eliot’s masterpiece which will stay with you forever.