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Sam and Emily 4 : The Yellow Sea

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Greg Argo

Sam and Emily 4 : The Yellow Sea

eBook ( Jan. 9, 2020)
This is the 4th book in the Sam and Emily Series. Sam, Emily and Blondie are trying to get back home to Earth. In this part of the 'adventure', they are made to 'do a favour, a mere trifle' whilst dancing by a strange man. I know ridiculous. Well let me assure you it does not get any easier. Things go down hill fast as they are shot at by everyone as part of the annual Strafe Cup competition. This is more than life threatening, it is probably life ending. Escape or die. They discover Duck Island which has no ducks. This leads to a very sticky end. Within all these disasters Sam celebrates his unofficial 16th birthday. In the background who is Amy Fairbairn and her nails? Then there is the oily Yellow Sea. What, where is the Yellow Sea? Read the book to find out if you dare! Beware of Greggo snakes, Cavern Alligators and worse or Sam, Emily, Blondie, Cantik, Bell and you won't survive.

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