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That Thing Formerly Known As My Life

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Sally Johnson

That Thing Formerly Known As My Life

Paperback (Sally Johnson July 1, 2016) , first edition
A cross-country move wasn’t exactly what McKinley had in mind for her senior trip, but leave it to her parents to up and move to Rhode Island. Her senior year was supposed to be awesome, but when she ticks off popular cheerleader Taylor, it goes from bad to worse. The only good thing about moving is the mysterious, Camaro-driving, all-around-likeable Nick Phelan. But that mysterious thing that makes him so likeable is also making McKinley suspicious. Nick hides secrets. McKinley harbors doubts. Taylor bares her teeth. But dealing with moving and Taylor is nothing compared to the biggest secret of all.
0997661801 / 9780997661804
13.0 oz.
5.2 x 0.6 in.

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