Stephen Coln, Stephen Coln
Josh Benson and the Triggering Event
( Sept. 21, 2010)
Upon testing the world’s first functional time machine three young friends find themselves trapped in ancient Egypt and at the center of a series of events that will change the history of the world forever.
Josh Benson and the Triggering Event is a childrens to young adult science fiction/fantasy novel about three friends, Josh, Ethan, and Erin who finally achieve their dream of inventing a time machine. They soon discover that the technology they invented is being used by an organization from the future, known as the Gordians, to alter worldly events for selfish goals. With the help of his two best friends Josh uncovers and prevents a plot by a member of the Gordians, named Emil Ru Mayhan, to assassinate the Pharaoh Tutankhamen and overthrow his kingdom. Just when it looks like they might not succeed their high school history teacher, Kellian Ral Jonas, arrives from the future to help them battle against Mayhan and return the events of ancient Egypt to as near the original as possible. With Mayhan defeated for the time being they discover that their friend Kellian is actually one hundred and fifty years from the future and a member of an organization known as the Evanstars who try to minimize time travel’s impact on world events.