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The murder of the man who was "Shakespeare."

Calvin Hoffman

The murder of the man who was "Shakespeare."

Paperback (Grosset & Dunlap Jan. 1, 1960)
This is a paperback book published under the imprint the Universal Library "UL 86," Grosset and Dunlap, 1107 Broadway, New York 10, NY with a cover price of $1.45 and $1.90 in Canada. Hoffman presents the Marlovian theory that playwright Christopher Marlowe was the actual author of the works attributed to William Shakespeare. Like other alternate Shakespearean authorship theories, Hoffman's claims have been largely dismissed by mainstream Shakespearean scholars but make for an interesting read. The author, Calvin Hoffman, arranged in 1984 with Marlowe's school, The King's School, Canterbury, that in exchange for Hoffman leaving a large sum of money to them in his will they would administer an annual essay competition related to "the life and works of Christopher Marlowe and the authorship of the plays and poems now commonly attributed to William Shakespeare with particular regard to the possibility that Christopher Marlowe wrote some or all of those poems and plays or made some inspirational creative or compositional contributions towards the authorship of them."
11.2 oz.
7.9 x 5.2 in.