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Helen Friend

I Can Read a Chapter Book

eBook ( Dec. 22, 2019)
During my 28 years as an elementary teacher and ten years as a reading specialist, I remember how often five to seven year olds tried to take large chapter books home that they really couldn’t read. They just wanted everyone to think they were really smart.

The summer, after I retired, I worked with a five year old girl named Emma. Using her prior knowledge, and positive activities, I decided to write a chapter book for her. She read it over and over and loved it. Her progress was dynamic!
This small chapter book gave me an idea to write this large chapter book for five to seven year olds. The age can be older or younger.

The first chapter does not intimidate children. There are no words, just pictures to describe and tell about. Other chapters motivate children to learn about many subject areas. The internet and books can extend learning.
Young children, parents, siblings, teachers, and anyone working with children can use this book.
In conclusion, I look forward to seeing young children reading and rereading this chapter book, making great progress, feeling good, and having fun. I see a great future with this book.