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Nicole Tillman

Cry in the Fog

Paperback (Independently published April 9, 2019)
Grace Wildstone is gone.She's still walking, talking, and breathing, but she's not pulling the strings. Her puppet master, Daimon Harrington, has grown comfortable and confident in her body as he travels from town to town in search of his next victim. And with every minute of possession that passes, tiny slivers of Grace's soul are being torn away.Miles is determined to save Grace, but with the other half of his heart committing a string of murders, he's not sure what he's going to find once the Peacekeepers manage to track her down.
Paranormal Peacekeepers (Book 3)
1093391405 / 9781093391404
10.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.5 in.

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