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Kate Goldman

Cozy Romance Bundle

The Oil Prince

A car drives over a puddle and muddy water splashes Emily, who was just out for a walk, from head to toe. When she sees the car parked at a gas station moments later, she decides to confront the man leaning against it. The handsome man refuses to apologize, and after hearing what Emily thinks about him, watches her leave. The next day, fate plays a joke on Emily when she finds out that the man is her boss’s brother and a prince of a Middle Eastern country. Prince Basil often appears in tabloids because of different scandals and in order to tame his temper, his father sends him to work on a project of drilling a methane well in Dallas. If Basil refuses or is unsuccessful, his financial accounts will be blocked and his title of prince will be revoked. Although their characters clash, Emily and Basil fall in love while working together and Basil’s heart melts. When the project that can significantly improve his family business hits a major obstacle, Basil proves that love has tremendous power and shows a side of himself that nobody knew existed.

The Fight for Love

Journalist Lucie Walters lives in the city and works for The Standard newspaper. She’s living her dream until one night after working late she’s attacked by two thugs in a multi-story parking garage. But a hero shows up in the form of a hooded stranger who saves Lucie’s life. She quickly realizes that her savior is no stranger but famous fighter Dalton Hughes. Dalton gets injured in the ensuing melee when he saves Lucie but refuses hospital treatment, insisting that he can’t risk the negative press. He agrees to go back to Lucie’s apartment to let her dress his wounds and the chemistry between them is undeniable. Dalton is powerful with an edge of danger but he’s also kind and protective. Lucie can’t help but be drawn to him. But Dalton isn’t looking for a relationship. His sole focus in his life is his fighting career and he doesn’t have space for anything else. Yet Dalton and Lucie can’t stop being drawn to one another. Might Dalton be willing to fight for love? Can Lucie tame this famous fighter?

In Love With a Haunted House

The last thing Mallory Clark wants to do is move back home. She has no choice, though, since the company she worked for in Chicago has just downsized her, and everybody else. To make matters worse her fiancé has broken their engagement, and her heart, leaving her hurting and scarred. When her mother tells her that the house she always coveted as a child, the once-famed Gray Oaks Manor, is not only on the market but selling for a song, it seems to Mallory that the best thing she could possibly do would be to put Chicago, and everything and everyone in it, behind her. Arriving back home she runs into gorgeous and mysterious Blake Hunter. Blake is new to town and like her he is interested in buying the crumbling old Victorian on the edge of the historic downtown center, although his reasons are his own. Blake is instantly intrigued by the flame-haired beauty with the fiery temper and the vulnerable expression in her eyes. He can feel the attraction between them and knows it is mutual, but he also knows that the last thing on earth he needs is to get involved with a woman determined to take away a house he has to have.

Also in Cozy Romance Bundle

The Sheikh’s Daughter, The Love Sanctuary, Vacation With a Star, A Dream for Two, Love Without Rules, The Sheikh’s Girlfriend, Love for Dessert, Big Love in a Small Town


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