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Woman in the Nineteenth Century

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Margaret Fuller

Woman in the Nineteenth Century

eBook ( July 12, 2020)
Woman in the Nineteenth Century is a book by American journalist, editor, and women's rights advocate Margaret Fuller. The basis for Fuller's essay is the idea that man will rightfully inherit the earth when he becomes an elevated being, understanding of divine love. There have been periods in time when the world was more awake to this love, but people are sleeping now; however, everyone has the power to become enlightened. Man cannot now find perfection because he is still burdened with selfish desires, but Fuller is optimistic and says that we are on the verge of a new awakening. She claims that in the past man, like Orpheus for Eurydice, has always called out for woman, but soon will come the time when women will call for men, when they will be equals and share a mortgage.

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